Monday, July 21, 2008

Thursday is the big day

The baby is lower and my cervix is soft, but I am dilated the same amount I was last week, 2 cm. The doctor has me scheduled for an induction on Thursday morning. The hospital will call me Wednesday night to tell me what time to be at the hospital. It all kind of depends on if they have any emergencies or an unexpected number of folks needing to deliver. Unless I go into labor Tuesday or Wednesday, Jude's birthday will be July 24, 2008.

I'm so excited to meet my son, so I am hanging on to that while I deal with how I feel about being induced. I had images in my head of Jon timing my contractions at home and being able to spend time here before we had to go to the hospital, of walking in our neighborhood and relaxing together until it was time. Now from contraction 1 to the last, we'll be in some strange room. I've never been in the hospital before and I guess those fears are mixing with the ones I have of the machines I'll be hooked to and the drugs that will be in my veins. I just hope my body gets the message and takes over the contractions and we can scale back on all the medical equipment. I'm sure that by the weekend I'll feel silly for even feeling this way because I'll be home with my family, but it doesn't make it any easier right now. But I'm tired and I'm hot, so I'm going to go to bed and try to drop all these icky vibes. He could still come today or tomorrow.

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