Monday, July 28, 2008

Cue the steel drum (Feelin' Hot Hot Hot)

Jude's nurse last night and the one today decorated his bulletin board and white board with a "weather report" forecasting rising temperatures. At around 10 am, they began the warming process, and around 4:30 they took him off the blanket completely. Shortly thereafter he cam off the sedative, and the process of just watching begins.

The report today includes, good, bad, and great news:

Good: They did another EKG (unofficially described to us by the tech as fine), and they did another EEG (described as "boring," which, for Jude, is exactly what we want; it means no seizures). Also, they've all but ruled out liver, kidney, and heart damage.

Bad: He's still not swallowing. Every twenty to thirty minutes, his airway gets blocked by secretions that he hasn't swallowed and they have to suction out his nose and throat. It has yet to do any damage to him, but if he can't swallow, he can't eat; and if he can't eat, he can't come home. The nurse tonight was pretty vague on how concerned they were that he wasn't swallowing yet. She seemed a little more concerned that I was comfortable with. I have to figure that he'll figure it out, though. All his other motor functions (eyes, limbs, mouth, etc.) seem just fine, and I would think it would be a very bizarre, specific injury that would cause only the swallowing mechanism to be depressed. I don't know what I'm talking about, of course.

Also, I've yet to hear him cry or cough. All his sound are gurgles and squeaks. I'm hoping that's all a function of the swallowing. I don't want it to, but the worry about this is sticking around for me, and it's a little scary. I guess I'm starting to feel like we've had such a run of good news that we're due for some bad. Of course, I know I'm a statistician and that doesn't make sense :)

Great: WE GOT TO HOLD OUR BABY. AND CHANGE DIAPERS. AND DIDN'T GET PEED ON. The view from above is so much better than the view from beside. I found myself just babbling about anything and everything, like I wanted him to learn everything I know tonight. Great times. And seeing Amanda hold him felt incredibly right.

Speaking of the mrs., I'm so proud of her. I think this is all starting to catch up with her physically, and I hate it for her. She's pumping every two hours, which is way more demanding than we expected, I think, and between that and going to see the baby, resting, and eating, it's very hard for her to maintain a balance of baby care, getting enough calories (for nursing), eating the right foods (for her prescribed diet after her injury), getting enough fluid, and getting enough rest. She's amazing and doing it all, but we need to consciously take a breather every now and then.

Sorry about the length of this one, guess I had a lot to say.

The dogs are home!


Christina said...

I'm so excited that you finally got to hold Jude! I can't wait to see your first family photo.

Take care of yourselves and Jon, take special care of Mommy-Manda.

Love you guys!

Kelly said...

Hey Jon,Amanda,& of course the new addition Jude! Congratulations & God bless you all. This is your cousin Kelly,Jon. You probably don't remember alot about me or even remember me at all. HINT: Aunt Sonnie's daughter Aunt Phyl has been keeping mom and me posted and today told me about the blog. It sure does make the world smaller and in ways makes you feel closer to one another. Even tho we don't see each other I feel close to you and love you dearly. We are praying for all three of you that God gives you strength, understanding, and wisdom to know what is best for your new baby as he grows up. Your new one is the greatest blessing you will ever receive and is also the most challenging yet REWARDING experience you will ever have. They are also the reason your hair will turn gray or in some cases completely go away!(ME-gray, Husband-bald)haha Thank God for hair color! If only they could invent instant slim. Can't blame that on the kids, since the youngest is 11, huh? I can't wait to show mom (Aunt Sonnie) the pics. He is a beautiful baby! Oh, he is going to hate that when he is older. Let me rephrase-handsome baby! Don't won't him having ill feelings towards me! Take care of each other. Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

Don't apologize for long entries. I'm sure everyone is like me and wants to know as much as possible about Jude's current situation.

So glad to hear that you got to hold him; that's wonderful. Give him some kisses from us.

Amanda, hang in there with the pumping. I had a miserable first couple of weeks with nursing/pumping and wouldn't have made it without the hospital's lactation consultants. They're great sources of inspiration.

We're thinking of you all and keeping you in our prayers -- now specifically about the swallowing. God has Jude in the palm of His hand . . .

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! The pix are even better full screen. I'm taking a break from heavy duty stuff -- I can't tell you how much I enjoyed having your good news and these pictures as part of my break. Amanda & Jon, hang in there ... Thinking of you! Gina

Kelly said...

Dear Jon, Amanda, and Jude,
Aunt Sonnie here. I am the boss dictating a letter to my secretary,Kelly. As my fingers can't keep up with my brain. Aunt Phyl has called me everyday to let me know the progress that little Jude is making. I am a firm believer in miracles! Even though he had a rough beginning at life, God has been with him from conception. So that is a miracle in itself! So I am believing that he will make it through and be home soon. It has been quite a few years since I have seen you and I have never met Amanda, but Baby Jan says she is a wonderful girl and what I remember about you tells me that you both will be wonderful parents. Give baby Jude a pinch kiss for me. LOVE Aunt Sonnie