Thursday, July 10, 2008

6 days

Today was the last doctor's appointment before the due date. It was uneventful, as usual. I'm not really a very interesting case, medically speaking--blood pressure is good, baby's heart beat is good, no swelling, etc.

I'm measuring about one week behind the calculated due date, which really doesn't mean a thing. The measuring isn't exact and only 5 percent of kiddos come on their due date anyway. UPDATE: I think I just had a contraction. I feel like I have to say "I think" because my determination is based on things I've read and not actually experienced. I know it's not Braxton Hicks though because I have them when we walk sometimes and they don't hurt. Unfortunately, one real contraction doesn't really mean a whole lot. Some folks have contractions for weeks before they have their babies. At least I know something in there works :)

Also today we had North Carolina State Trooper Stell come by to check our car seat. He went through some tips and techniques to make sure the seat is installed correctly to keep the baby safe in an accident and in transport. This, of course, thrilled me because of my not-so-secret desire to be a state trooper. I don't know if it's the hats or the regulation grays or what, but it looks like a cool job to me. I noticed he had a taser on his belt in addition to the regular regalia. It appeared to take up what little space was left next to the handcuffs and Beretta. I'll admit it, I wanted to try on that belt, but they don't make them in maternity.

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