Monday, July 7, 2008

9 days to go

This countdown is funny because it is the countdown to the due date. No one has told Jude the due date, so he may be late or early or right on time. Today we attempted to busy ourselves with a trip to the zoo. In order to go to the zoo in July in North Carolina, one must wait for an overcast day with threats of rain. The crowds are smaller and the sun stays hidden most of the day, which entices the animals out into the open. The baboons were by far the most entertaining today, but the rhinos were on the move as well. We also came to the gorilla exhibit at just the moment the silverback was eating some greens. He washed them down by eating a head of cabbage like an apple with his legs crossed.

Did all the walking and animal viewing coax young Jude to make his way into the world? No, my friends, I'm afraid not.

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