Sunday, July 6, 2008

10 days to go

We have 10 days to go until the due date and things are still going well. We are walking at the lake 5-6 days a week for an hour and trying to stay busy during the day. The nursery is ready to go, and all of Jude's clothes and blankets are washed. When mom was here last week, we put up some room darkening shades and valances that really bring the room together. I keep reviewing the information from all of the books we have on labor and delivery and breastfeeding and infant care, but there is only so much ready you can be for something you have never experienced before. We are going to have the carseat installed this week. (Thank you C&A!) The other half of the "travel system," the stroller, is in the dining room. It's pretty neat and really brings about that parent feeling.

While the aerial view of my belly, the one I can see, hasn't changed much, strangers seem to notice it more now that it is quite far out. A woman at the lake told me I looked beautiful a few days ago and a little girl at The Loop in K-ville stared at me everytime I went by. Some people just smile at me.

We're going to try to take care of some other errands through the week. One biggie is getting a stand for our TV. We sold the table the TV was sitting on because the current setup didn't seem very baby safe and left lots of wires and pretty buttons right in the path of a crawler. We, however, did not have a replacement plan in place, leaving our TV sitting on the floor alongside the other electronics. Of course, baby Jude won't be crawling for months, but the dogs keep standing in the path of the remote!

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