Monday, July 14, 2008

Just a bit longer until the due date and a smoothie recipe

Contraction total today: 0
Time between contractions: 36 hours and counting

So no baby today despite our daily walk, a chili dog with hot sauce, and the proximity to the due date.

In other news, here is a smoothie recipe that tastes great but makes a HUGE mess if the bottom of the blender is not securely fastened. I caused great alarm when I screamed as smoothie ran all over the counter, into the floor, and onto my pants and feet. I also recommend peaches and blueberries from your local farmers market.

Before you start put two glasses in the freezer to chill.
Use a half cup of each - peaches (peeled and sliced), blueberries, vanilla yogurt, orange juice.
Two big scoops of ice cream.
Blend in blender with securely fastened bottom.

1 comment:

Christina said...

The suspense is killing me! :)