Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Due Date!

Today is the due date, and I am a mere 2 cm dilated. The baby's head is down, so that is good. I have another appointment Monday and if I don't have the baby by then, she is going to schedule an induction for the end of the week (24th-25th). In the mean time on Tuesday I have a non-stress test and ultrasound to check the baby's heartbeat over time and fluid levels. Needless to say, I'm hoping the full moon this week will be enough to get this baby on his way. I really don't want to be induced and I told the doctor that. She was receptive to waiting a little more dependent on the tests on Tuesday.

I think I'm OK with the baby not being here yet, but I did not want to talk about being induced. I have thought through how I would like for things to go many times and in every scenario labor started on its own. I had only really thought about plans changing after I was already in labor. I have just never really thought about having to go to the hospital and have a bunch of stuff hooked up to me and things starting artificially. There are other options of natural inductions (you can google that on your own), but I don't really want to do anything without the doctor's input.

I did have one good contraction this afternoon, but, like all the others, it was an isolated occurrence. The baby is moving around a lot, so that's good. I'm hoping he aims for the weekend.

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