Monday, December 15, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Jude's First Thanksgiving
Monday, November 24, 2008
Jude is now four months old and doing great. He is rolling around everywhere, and loves to smile and laugh. He likes for us to hold him up while he steps with his legs, and he will begin eating cereal before we know it.
We wanted to let everyone know that Jon was recently hired on as the evaluator for the magnet school assistance program grant for Wake County School System, and we will be moving to
Our current challenge is getting our house packed and ready to sell, and, of course, selling it! (3BR, 2BA!) We are going to miss Winston-Salem and all of the friends we have made here. However, we are so excited to be near Chris and Ashley and start this new adventure!
Friday, November 21, 2008
yyxc vvvvvv n
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Grandma's G and Greyhounds Part III
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Our 3 month old is teething! He is chewing and drooling and fussy and all that mess! It's fantastic.
Update: 3:53 p.m. Jude has discovered his feet! He was holding his right big toe in his hand :)
Update: 8:38 p.m. There is a very good chance that Jude will learn to turn over this week! His hips are willing, but his torso isn't following. . .yet.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Capt. Judeman
Here are a few recent pics. One of Jude in an outfit from Nana Lou--the first outfit we received after we found out we were having a boy. And a pic of Jon and Jude after a tough morning of watching college football.
He's also on the couch reppin' those 'Toppers. Jude is doing well holding up his head, and we bought him a new mirror to look at while he does that. Jude has spent most of his evening listening to music.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Photos by Brendan

B came to see us last weekend and meet Jude for the first time. While he was here, he gave us the wonderful gift of some beautiful pictures of Jude.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Adventures in Teaching
"Mr. Bubbles is just like your average monster. He is feared by many, but he is really mean. Don't let the name fool you--he is impervious to pain. The middle head, the boss, the left one, the brain, the right one is down right nasty. Every day they terrorize villages. Once or twice he'll have to fight King Kong, Godzilla, and things like that. But once he gets his paycheck he goes home to his wife and kids, Mrs. Bubbles and Bubble Jr. That's the Day in the Life of my Monster."
Sounds like a movie trailer to me folks. Coming soon: "Mr. Bubbles: Impervious to Pain."
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Jude unfiltered.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
10 second interview with Jude
Whats in your IPod playlist? Right now I’m really feeling lullabies, white noise, and Ne-yo
WOW character: gnome rogue
Happiness is: a warm bosom
What would your personalized license plate say? HEYJUDE or PUGLIFE
What should you really be doing right now? Sleeping
Take whatever you want, just don’t take my: Designing Women DVDs
Favorite 80s band: RATT
Mary Kate or Ashley? Ewww! They could be my moms.
I feel at peace when: Screaming. Zen, right?
In 20 years I’ll be: trying to find out outside of which minor league ballpark mom and dad have parked their RV.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
7 weeks old
Jude is doing well and had an overall good week with Jon and Lori. And now he is stirring...
Monday, September 8, 2008
first day back/wonderful news
Today was my first day back at work, and it went well. I was sad, but I held it together by way of the whirlwind of the day. At home, once relaxed and baby in-arms, I finally shed a few tears. I wish I could have stayed home longer. We worked so hard to get Jude home and healthy that it is hard to go back and realize that today was just one day of more than a hundred more away from him. The week in the NICU and 3 weeks battling to find peace for a screaming, acid reflux stricken infant stole my 6 weeks away. I am lucky in teaching to have the weekends and breaks and the summer. I hope to one day move out of the classroom and to work in some other capacity within a school, media perhaps. I would like to move away from 5 different preps, 200 students, and big classes. All the planning and grading is grueling especially considering the subject is Spanish, as the format does not seem to fit. It's hard to keep thinking of teaching as a craft with such a schedule. I feel like a move out of the classroom may bring me the time to be more creative and still contribute to the profession, as well as have more time at home. The move will not be now--duty calls.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Yearbook time!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Jude's big day out
Beginning this past Wednesday Jude has really improved in the reflux arena. I don't know if the Prevacid finally kicked in or the Carafate took hold, but he is a MUCH happier baby. We have also been employing the strategies of "Happiest Baby on the Block." We are swaddling, shh-ing, swinging and such and feeling more confident each day. I don't want to downplay the challenges of an infant because we certainly struggle with finding what works on a given day, but we went to bed at 9:45 last night and I'm feeling pretty dang good.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Can't stop the reflux
Jon has his first class of the semester tonight, so I'll be flying solo with Capt. Judeman. I'm hopeful that tonight will be like last night. The med schedule puts him taking the coating agent before bed, so falling asleep should be easier.
We have some leads in the childcare area and anticipate having a decision made by the end of the week. I am not looking forward to putting him into someone else's hands especially with all this acid stuff. I am hoping it is a lot better by the time I go back to school and it won't be a worry. We told everyone we've interviewed that he must be upright 20 minutes after he eats and if he's not it gets ugly. Of course, everyone said no problem, but we are leaning toward a provider with 3 other kids, one who is at school all day, over the one with two 2-year-olds and two-1-year-olds . We just didn't see where she would be able to devote the time to Jude that he needs and that I need to rest my mind.
Oh, and on Thursday, Jude weighed 10 lbs. and 10 oz. He's a moose! He's a month old too!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
First day of school
This year is different. I will spend my day with diapers, feedings, and Jude the 10-pound wonder-kid. I know these next two weeks are going to go by so quickly before I have to go back to work. I'll be ready to see my friends and meet my new students, but leaving Jude is going to be hard. I'm so glad Jon will be here with him. We are still looking for someone to keep Jude about 10 hours a week when mine and Jon's schedules are off set for a few hours. We had something arranged, or so we thought, since April, but it fell through.
Anyone know of a good baby sitter? Must have experience with baby acid reflux :)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
1500 meter swim
Thank goodness for the Olympics. Jude came home August 1, and the Olympics started a week later as did Jude's acid reflux and the colicky behavior. The competitions have given us good topics of conversation and diversion during these first few weeks without sleep. With swimming and gymnastics in the evenings correlating with Jude's fussy time, we have something to focus on while we let him "self-soothe." In the wee hours when Jude and I are up having a snack, I can stay awake watching women's doubles table tennis instead of infomercials for that sandwich maker thing. (By the way, if you have never watched women's doubles table tennis, you are missing out on some fast action. Their reaction time rivals that of major league hitters). I have also enjoyed replays of the day's highlights, badminton, beach volleyball, men's volleyball,
Tonight, the Websters paid a visit and brought dinner (thank you! thank you!), which was just what we needed as Jude had a rough 8-9:30pm. He is in bed now and asleep. The pediatrician told us to let him cry for 15-20 minutes, so he will fall asleep on him own. This waiting period is going better for him each day, and he seldom cries longer than 15 minutes. It continues, however, to be hard for me. We've received good advice and support from friends, so I am hopeful this won't last too many more weeks. No mom wants to see their baby cry, but I'm trying to keep perspective (easier now that he's sleeping in the next room). If this is our biggest issue, we are truly blessed.
Lucy and Clara are doing a nice job of accepting
Friday, August 15, 2008
Colic, acid reflux, and sleeplessness
Jude's umbilical cord finally fell off so we could give him a real bath. He really enjoyed it, and was very curious the entire time. One hurdle down.
It's been a crazy week. We took Jude to the pediatrician last week after he threw up several times overnight. We found out he has acid reflux and needs to take medicine, sleep at a 30 degree angle, and stay upright after eating for about 20 minutes.
She also diagnosed him with that lovely collection of symptoms known as colic. It started over the weekend. Jude was fussy from about 4-9pm, but the last two days it's been more like screaming from 6p-12a. We had his 2 week check up today (he's 3 weeks old) and the doctor gave us some good advice about trying to get his schedule straightened back out
In other news, Jude weighs 9 lbs. 12 ounces, having gained a pound in a week. He is an inch longer, as well. He is in the 75th percentile for length and weight and the 90th for head circumference. We had a photo shoot today to try to capture some cute moment for a birth announcement, but when your 3 week old is in the 90th percentile for head circumference, a lot of the photos make him look a lot older than he really is. There is a real sweet picture of him sleeping in the NICU, but that's not how I want to remember the blessed event nor do I want to distribute that picture.