Jude's umbilical cord finally fell off so we could give him a real bath. He really enjoyed it, and was very curious the entire time. One hurdle down.
It's been a crazy week. We took Jude to the pediatrician last week after he threw up several times overnight. We found out he has acid reflux and needs to take medicine, sleep at a 30 degree angle, and stay upright after eating for about 20 minutes.
She also diagnosed him with that lovely collection of symptoms known as colic. It started over the weekend. Jude was fussy from about 4-9pm, but the last two days it's been more like screaming from 6p-12a. We had his 2 week check up today (he's 3 weeks old) and the doctor gave us some good advice about trying to get his schedule straightened back out
In other news, Jude weighs 9 lbs. 12 ounces, having gained a pound in a week. He is an inch longer, as well. He is in the 75th percentile for length and weight and the 90th for head circumference. We had a photo shoot today to try to capture some cute moment for a birth announcement, but when your 3 week old is in the 90th percentile for head circumference, a lot of the photos make him look a lot older than he really is. There is a real sweet picture of him sleeping in the NICU, but that's not how I want to remember the blessed event nor do I want to distribute that picture.
You two are truly amazing! And, of course, the pictures are precious. (Although, how good they not be considering how cute Jude is???)
Keep up the good work and call if you need anything.
Hello, I know the picture you are talking about but you know what; you should want to remember that. It shows Jude is a survivor, a real fighter and can get through anything. He is strong and will make it in this world. On the other hand I can understand how you feel too. The one in his lobster hat is cute and could work. Either way you will choose the right one for you and Jude and that is what matters. love you all, God bless. Aunt Lolita
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