Jude has started sleeping in most mornings and taking at least a 2-hour nap most days, and at first I thought he was growing, but now I think it's all brain development. In the past couple weeks Jude has started singing entire lines of songs and talking up a storm about fire trucks and ladybugs, and everything is coming out more clear. He's in full parrot mode, so he repeats everything we say. He is also really enjoying being in the kitchen while we cook dinner. He likes to sit on the counter, and he is doing a great job standing in the dining room anytime we need to open the oven. "It's too hot!" he says.
We've been taking a Red Cross swim class this week at a local park, and we have had an awesome time. Jude's been learning to blow bubbles in the water, kick on his stomach and reach out, kick while on his back, and how to safely climb out of the pool when not by the ladder. Today he was totally under water for a second a couple of times, and he did great, giving his teacher a high five. (He rarely turns down a high five). The best part about the class is how much fun Jude's been having. He laughs and smiles and tries things. It's been a lot of fun for me, and goodness knows I am not big on the whole pool thing (more of an ocean person). We will be doing this again, for sure. Won't be long before he can take the class without me!
Because of how much he is enjoying the lessons, we signed up for another activity today--soccer. We were at a birthday party last weekend, and some kids were playing soccer in view of the party. Jude had his nose pressed against the window, saying he wanted to play soccer. We have also been passing a soccer field on the way to swim lessons, and he says he wants to play soccer. The class starts later in the summer, and it's inside! It's a parent and child class for little ones, so it's not really soccer so much as just kicking the ball around, kicking the ball in the goal, bubbles, and parachute games. I'm hoping to get some exercise too. We'll see how that goes and decide if we want to do anything in the fall. I'll only have 3 classes in the fall, so we might have the time AND the energy!
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