As you know, Jude loves to sing. Here's a video of him crooning his new favorite song, "Come Together" by the Beatles. Jude is also a big Avett Brothers fan, and I wish so badly he could go to their concert with us tomorrow night. I feel really guilty, but the Avetts don't even go on until about 2 hours after Jude's bedtime. It's for the best, but, Jude, we owe you one.
We've been working really hard in the last couple months to buy all of our fruits, vegetables, eggs, and some meat at a local, growers only farmers market in Raleigh. We want to contribute to the local economy and know where our food is coming from and under what conditions the food was grown. Today we saw a big load of pumpkins at the grocery store, and I pointed them out to Jude. He said, "We get one at farmers market?" I think he's getting the message.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Singing all the time
Terrible two's? Ha! Nothing terrible is going on around here! Our little guy is getting so grown up. He loves to sing songs and make up new songs about what he's doing. During breakfast he sang a little ditty about "Claireball, Claireball." (Our nickname for Clara). He also likes to sing a song we heard on TV about a singing bologna sandwich and one about washing his hands.
I would say that Jude's current favorite album is I and Love and You by the Avett Brothers, but he's a big fan of his Yo Gabba Gabba album, Big Bang Boom, and Barenaked Ladies. Also, hearing Jude say, "Barenaked Ladies" is worth a chuckle. It comes out, "bare....kjgijrigrgj...ladies."
We are currently looking around for a little nylon stringed guitar for him to play around on. He really wants to strum Jon's mandolin when Jon is playing guitar, but it's a little too nice for Jude to play with.
Jude is, as ever, loving books. His current favorites are The Lorax, Wild Boars Cook, and Rhyming Dust Bunnies. He's beginning to get pretty interested in Green Eggs and Ham, but our copy is actually Huevos Verdes con Jamon from my days as a Spanish teacher. I don't know how much he understands, but he sure enjoys the rhyming! Speaking of Spanish, Jude is learning to count to 10 in the language, but most of the time he stops at six unless we sing it in a song.
We're still playing around with the potty training. We have a potty in the living room, and Jude goes after his bath. The rest of the day, we just let Jude tell us if he needs to go and he gets stickers for going, trying, and washing his hands. We're going to save the actual training for closer to 27 months. We're hoping to get a good start in before the holidays strike.
We're not really sure how the holidays are going to go this year with a potty training toddler, 2 old cars, 2 pugs that will need to be kenneled or towed with us, and Jon in the midst of a job search that could possibly lead to a move for us. I'll be glad when we can finally buy a newer car. That is definitely what we will be saving for when I am out of school and working. We thought we would buy one in the spring of '09, but then the house didn't sell and the dog almost died, so we continue to patch things up. I'm hoping that our next move leads us to a place where we can settle for a bit and get our feet underneath us again and lay down a few roots. I wouldn't say that our next stop will necessarily be our forever home, but I look forward to not having closets full of boxes that I can't unpack. Jude loves to play outside and I love to garden and Jon loves to cook what comes out of the garden, so we'll be looking for a place with a yard.
At times I feel like we're in a holding pattern, circling our final destination. I'm so happy we're in it together with Jude's sweet little voice singing to us the whole way.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Jude had a party!
Jude had a birthday party, and it was super neat! I have videos and pictures to post, but I'm super-mega busy this week. Tune in here next week, for all the goodies I haven't put on Facebook.
An assortment of quotes from Jude:
Jude: Dad works at the library.
Amanda: Mama works at the library. Daddy works for the schools.
Jude: I work at the library.
Amanda: What do you do there?
Jude: I read books.
"Antman drives Dad's car."
"Look! I see that."
Jude in the tub referring to a squirter he got from a cereal box: "Shrek wants more bubbles."
"Where is Michael?" (The little man who came with his firetruck).
"Want waffle. Want waffle with French Toast on it. Need syrup."
"Lucy walks on her hands."
"Jon! Wait!"
"Coctadiwal" (crocodile)
"Want purple pen. Purple pen is lost. Want black pen?"
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Sometimes you win

Jude has started sleeping in most mornings and taking at least a 2-hour nap most days, and at first I thought he was growing, but now I think it's all brain development. In the past couple weeks Jude has started singing entire lines of songs and talking up a storm about fire trucks and ladybugs, and everything is coming out more clear. He's in full parrot mode, so he repeats everything we say. He is also really enjoying being in the kitchen while we cook dinner. He likes to sit on the counter, and he is doing a great job standing in the dining room anytime we need to open the oven. "It's too hot!" he says.
We've been taking a Red Cross swim class this week at a local park, and we have had an awesome time. Jude's been learning to blow bubbles in the water, kick on his stomach and reach out, kick while on his back, and how to safely climb out of the pool when not by the ladder. Today he was totally under water for a second a couple of times, and he did great, giving his teacher a high five. (He rarely turns down a high five). The best part about the class is how much fun Jude's been having. He laughs and smiles and tries things. It's been a lot of fun for me, and goodness knows I am not big on the whole pool thing (more of an ocean person). We will be doing this again, for sure. Won't be long before he can take the class without me!
Because of how much he is enjoying the lessons, we signed up for another activity today--soccer. We were at a birthday party last weekend, and some kids were playing soccer in view of the party. Jude had his nose pressed against the window, saying he wanted to play soccer. We have also been passing a soccer field on the way to swim lessons, and he says he wants to play soccer. The class starts later in the summer, and it's inside! It's a parent and child class for little ones, so it's not really soccer so much as just kicking the ball around, kicking the ball in the goal, bubbles, and parachute games. I'm hoping to get some exercise too. We'll see how that goes and decide if we want to do anything in the fall. I'll only have 3 classes in the fall, so we might have the time AND the energy!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
6 years

Today is our 6th anniversary. I'm not so sure what's unique about this anniversary than all the ones before it, but something feels different. I feel proud of this anniversary, and I feel sentimental.
Some of toughest times have come over the last two years, so maybe it's that we've come through those together. When bad things happen, we cling to one another. When joyful things happen, we cling to one another.
When I was growing up, my dad once told me, "You can't change a man." I took this to heart, knowing that I wouldn't marry someone who I thought needed to be molded or shaped in some way. I wanted someone who fit just right from the start. Someone who shared my values, as well as my sense of humor. Jon is that person for me. I wouldn't want to change a thing.
We spent this morning roaming a festival and eating barbecue, and tomorrow we're taking Jude to his first baseball game. I'm so happy to be celebrating our marriage this weekend as a family, doing the things we enjoy together. As Jon said in his card to me this morning, thanks for the first 6 and here's to 60 more.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Amanda's 2nd Mother's Day
This Mother's Day
started off beautifully when Jon brought Jude in to tell me good morning. Jon said, "Tell Mom 'Happy Mother's Day,'" and Jude gave me the longest, sweetest hug. I got two sweet cards and a gift card for a pedicure at The Spa. The boys then took me to brunch at Zest. I had the crab meat frittata served with a salad, corn bread, and fresh fruit, Jon had the breakfast casserole served with fresh fruit and a raspberry scone, and Jude had the strawberry pancakes. Breakfast was delicious! There was a special menu for Mother's day, so we are hoping to go back and try some more from their regular menu.
On the way home we got a big surprise-a blowout on the interstate. We called C&A to pick us up when we thought the hubcap was not going to be able to be removed, but Jon muscled through and we were able to call off the rescue. Thanks C&A for coming out. We had an awfully lazy afternoon, followed by a trip to purchase a new tire. Jon made a great dinner, courtesy of Trader Joe's--salmon in a mojito sauce, sweet potatoes, and rice.
The total cost for dinner at home was only $9. We are really trying to track our spending on dinner and what of what we buy we actually eat. We want to reduce our wasted food, spend less eating out, eat more local and organic foods, and eat less processed food. We are having trouble with some of the organics because they go bad so quickly, requiring more trips to the store or farmers market during the week. We'll find a balance in there some where. I'm excited to see how we do.
This is going to be a long one...
In other news, Jon's job may be ending in September, so we are continuing to be more conscious of our spending habits. This is very hard with a 2-year-old whom we love to indulge in! We're hoping Jon can find something in this area. If worse comes to worse, I could probably live somewhere else and finish my last semester online because after the fall I would have all of my on-campus classes finished with only my masters paper and 2 electives to go. I also think I may have just finished my hardest semester, so that is good news too. If anyone is in need of an awesome psychometrician, evaluator, statistician, I know one!
I am currently working in a local middle school to complete my field experience hours. I am glad to be back in a school, but it is so crazy to try to learn an entire staff and meet all my goals in just 150 hours on site. The school has really welcomed me with open arms, and they are being quite patient with my learning process. I am so thankful they took me on, and I look forward to making some positive contributions to improve student learning.
Jude is doing really well, and he is talking sooooo much. He's really into football, tennis balls, basketball, fire trucks, motorcycles, and all things with wheels. He is really ready to turn 2, and get this next year started. He is having a joint birthday party with Tyler on July 17, so let me know if you need any more details now. Save the date--invitations to follow! As always, music and books are part of Jude's everyday, and he is enjoying his kitchen and cooking for his stuffed animals.
Jon's parents will be visiting soon, and we are excited to see them. The flooding in Nashville included their neighborhood, and we are so thankful they were able to go to a safe place and return to a mostly dry house. Water got under their house, and did some damage to the HVAC and duct work, but man-oh-man it could have been way worse. The loss of life is so tragic, and I am so glad people reacted quickly to keep one another safe and help their neighbor.
HOWEVER, if you call the flooding in Nashville "the next Katrina" to my face, I will smack you in the mouth. Sorry. The comparison is ridiculous.
Finally, to end on a nicer note. I am so very thankful to be a mother today. The details of Jude's birth day are forever in my memory, and I remember every moment that was so happy and so desperately scary. We got so much support when he was in the hospital-the longest week of our lives. I think so often of how many folks stepped in and supported us and supported our mothers. This Mother's Day for me was about all the "Moms" who prayed for us, thought of us, read the blog, loved us, and loved Jude. I share this day with you.
On the way home we got a big surprise-a blowout on the interstate. We called C&A to pick us up when we thought the hubcap was not going to be able to be removed, but Jon muscled through and we were able to call off the rescue. Thanks C&A for coming out. We had an awfully lazy afternoon, followed by a trip to purchase a new tire. Jon made a great dinner, courtesy of Trader Joe's--salmon in a mojito sauce, sweet potatoes, and rice.
The total cost for dinner at home was only $9. We are really trying to track our spending on dinner and what of what we buy we actually eat. We want to reduce our wasted food, spend less eating out, eat more local and organic foods, and eat less processed food. We are having trouble with some of the organics because they go bad so quickly, requiring more trips to the store or farmers market during the week. We'll find a balance in there some where. I'm excited to see how we do.
This is going to be a long one...
In other news, Jon's job may be ending in September, so we are continuing to be more conscious of our spending habits. This is very hard with a 2-year-old whom we love to indulge in! We're hoping Jon can find something in this area. If worse comes to worse, I could probably live somewhere else and finish my last semester online because after the fall I would have all of my on-campus classes finished with only my masters paper and 2 electives to go. I also think I may have just finished my hardest semester, so that is good news too. If anyone is in need of an awesome psychometrician, evaluator, statistician, I know one!
I am currently working in a local middle school to complete my field experience hours. I am glad to be back in a school, but it is so crazy to try to learn an entire staff and meet all my goals in just 150 hours on site. The school has really welcomed me with open arms, and they are being quite patient with my learning process. I am so thankful they took me on, and I look forward to making some positive contributions to improve student learning.
Jude is doing really well, and he is talking sooooo much. He's really into football, tennis balls, basketball, fire trucks, motorcycles, and all things with wheels. He is really ready to turn 2, and get this next year started. He is having a joint birthday party with Tyler on July 17, so let me know if you need any more details now. Save the date--invitations to follow! As always, music and books are part of Jude's everyday, and he is enjoying his kitchen and cooking for his stuffed animals.
Jon's parents will be visiting soon, and we are excited to see them. The flooding in Nashville included their neighborhood, and we are so thankful they were able to go to a safe place and return to a mostly dry house. Water got under their house, and did some damage to the HVAC and duct work, but man-oh-man it could have been way worse. The loss of life is so tragic, and I am so glad people reacted quickly to keep one another safe and help their neighbor.
HOWEVER, if you call the flooding in Nashville "the next Katrina" to my face, I will smack you in the mouth. Sorry. The comparison is ridiculous.
Finally, to end on a nicer note. I am so very thankful to be a mother today. The details of Jude's birth day are forever in my memory, and I remember every moment that was so happy and so desperately scary. We got so much support when he was in the hospital-the longest week of our lives. I think so often of how many folks stepped in and supported us and supported our mothers. This Mother's Day for me was about all the "Moms" who prayed for us, thought of us, read the blog, loved us, and loved Jude. I share this day with you.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Dancing! also egg hunting and a sheep
We had an absolutely wonderful Easter weekend. Jon was off on Friday, so we had the opportunity to spend a great family day together. We spent the morning hours doing our weekly grocery shopping and had lunch at one our usual spots. After nap, we headed out to a farm in a neighboring county to kick around and see the animals. We played in a huge bin of corn, fed the ducks, explored a fort, and saw all kinds of critters. Jude was particularly smitten with the goats, but he had a run in with a very loud sheep. The sheep walked right up to the fence and gave us his best, "Baaa-aaa." Jude wasn't quite sure how to take it, and he just about climbed up my leg saying, "Hug, hug." I don't blame him--that sheep was loud!
We topped off the day at Backfins, a seafood restaurant in Wake Forest. We started with the crab dip, which was served with house made tortilla chips. The dip was not as good as that at the Village Tavern in Winston-Salem, but it was pretty good. They have a pretty limited menu for
Saturday morning we went to a friend's house for brunch and an egg hunt. We had a great time, and the kids enjoyed
Saturday night and Sunday were low key, but we did bake a pecan pie for Chris's birthday. Sunday evening we had dinner with the other Raleigh Brasfields, dining on salad, ham, sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, the aforementioned pie, and the aforementioned remaining fruit
All in all, a weekend of lots of food, family, friends, and farm animals.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Jude readin' and peein'
So Jude can now read his first corporate logo as seen in the video, and he peed in his new potty for the first time! Here's how it went: He walked up to me and said, "Kee." "I said, "Do you have to pee pee?" I took off his diaper and sat him on the potty in front of the TV so he would stay put. A few minutes later he stood up, and Voila! pee pee!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Snowed in
Well, it snowed down here in Raleigh, our state's capital. As always, the city was utterly unprepared for the 5 inches we got plus sleet, and we were apartment bound all weekend. The state DOT has described the predicted road conditions tomorrow as a nightmare, so we will here tomorrow too. Jude has been under the weather, so he and I had been in most of the week. Feeling a major case of cabin fever, we all ventured out today to play in the snow and walk to the grocery store. C&A also braved the 2 mile stretch between our houses to come visit, eat junk food, and watch "Arrested Development."
If you look closely at the last picture you can see pug prints on the snow. There was a layer of ice on top of the snow, and the pugs weren't heavy enough to break through. They are not enjoying the snow and look forward to being able to smell where they pee again. Apparently it's something super important to dogs.
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