The number of homeruns hit last night by the New York Yankees was ridiculous. We went hoping to see A-Rod hit his 500th, but he ended up being one of the few Yanks not to hit a HR. I wouldn't call either of us Yankee fans, but we certainly have a love of the game. It was really exciting to watch the Bronx bombers make history in breaking the their single game homerun record. The folks behind us at the game were from Japan and big Hideki Matsui fans, so they were tickled to watch him hit 2 HRs.
Yesterday we also went to the Natural Histiry Museum and really enjoyed seeing the dinosaur exhibit, especially since at one time I wanted to be a paleontologist. We also liked the origins of man exhibit, eat that Creationist Museum! the museum also provided our quote of the day from a 7-year-old, "(Sigh) I hate bears!"
After the museum, we ate lunch at Big Nick's, famous for their 27 page menu. It's a great place to take a picky eater--not a good place for the indecisive. We then stopped in at Grom for gelato. We also explored Central Park with Strawberry Fields, the Dakota, the Lake, the Belvedere Castle, and Bethesda Terrace.
I must mention the highlight of the day provided by a 13-year-old-boy on the subway. He was with two adult men and another kid about 17. The train pulled into the station, people got off and got on. All of a sudden the 13-year-old looks up in shock and jumps off the train onto the platform just before the doors close. The adults didn't notice, but the 17-year-old said, "Eric, what are you...? Eric just got off!" We're pulling out of the station and the 13-year-old is on the platform making a face that was somewhere between realization and bewilderment at what he had just done, and the other 3 guys are just watching him get smaller in the distance. It was so funny. Poor kid, they were from out of town, and I hope they were all reunited.
(Jon and I in Central Park)
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