Sunday, May 13, 2007

Why I love my wife

Amanda and I went for a walk this morning, after which we stopped for lunch at a local eatery. When we first sat down, John Legend was playing on the sound system. Fine. Then came James Blunt's "You're Beautiful." I made the requisite comment about how I couldn't see any girl thinkning that song, or that guy for that matter, was sweet or attractive or really anything other than whiny and annoying.

Of course, James Blunt was followed by Five For Fighting. I asked Amanda who would win in a wuss-off between James Blunt and Five for Fighting:

Me: Five for Fighting does use drums in thier songs, which gives them a point.

Amanda: But they also have a longer history of wussiness.

Me: True. (pause) I'm trying to envision a Five for Fighting concert, but I can't imagine the crowd. Who is it?...Businessmen? Housewives? No, they don't go to concerts.

Amanda: Fifth-year seniors. In college.

Me: And they're DRUNK!

Amanda: And sad. And they bring their girlfriends but don't pay attention to them all night.

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