I haven't been posting as much in general since Jude has been mobile, but lately we've been in a real writing dry spell because we moved! We are back in our North Carolina hometown of Winston-Salem. I have a new media coordinator job in Greensboro, Jon has a new grant evaluation job in Winston, and Jude will start a new preschool in a couple weeks. Yea for new things!
One of the bright spots of the move is our transition out of an apartment and into a house. We did not buy the house we are living in, just renting for now, but we are so happy to have a yard again! We also have a den and a screened in porch that we are very much enjoying. The pugs are especially enjoying the lack of stairs at the new house.
What will we miss most about Raleigh? C&A, our MOB friends, Piebird's peanut butter pie, being close to the beach, Neomonde, the many brunch options, being in Caniac Country, the many offerings at the MVP Sports Factory in Wake Forest, North Hills Farmer's Market, Marbles, someone else mowing the grass, and a Starbucks in my usual Target shopping location. Luckily all of these folks and things aren't that far away.
What are we happy to have back in Winston? The chance to get together with Winston friends (Brian and Deborah!, the Websters!, and many more!), Dewey's, a bit less chaos on the interstate, The Loop, Salem Kitchen/Village Tavern/Salem Tavern, walks at Salem Lake, diners
These pics are Jude at basketball in Wake Forest at the Factory and Jude in the apartment doing downward dog. The kid loves some yoga.
More to come!
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