With the opportunity for a night out, new dress, and a steak dinner I was lured to Paducah for Jon's 10-year high school reunion. No, Jon isn't from Paducah, and no, he didn't go to school there either. Jon spent his high school years living in the tiny hamlet of Fulton, Ky. Wanting to spread his wings, Jon attended high school out of county at the Graves County High School, home of the eagles (get it? "spread his wings"). Needing an appropriate location for more than 100 people to gather, drink, and reminisce, Paducah was chosen as the gathering spot for the
I had a really nice time and enjoyed meeting Jon's friends who star in so many of his high school stories. It was interesting to watch the evening go from awkward to nostalgic to settling somewhere near comfortable. Once you get married, have kids, get a job, serve the country, get divorced, and pay some bills it's hard not to find something in common with folks you went to high school with even if you never talked back then. Chances are someone in the room has shared the same worries and joys that you have.
One person I talked too seemed a little embarrassed of her current occupation and location,
Some people leave small towns, and some people stay. People have to leave to keep them small, and people have to stay if the town is to survive. I'll never be a supporter of living in your parent's basement until your children start college, but deciding to stay put in a town of 10,000 and contributing to its economy and its well-being and raising your kids where you were raised with the help and support of the people who raised you is sure nothing to be ashamed of.
There's probably more to than this. Folks who feel they never decided anything, or who feel obligated to stay despite their goals being located elsewhere. I just hope the person didn't feel like anyone was disappointed because we were all just happy to see you.
I am so proud of who you guys are becoming. Whether you know it or not you have been blessed. Dad
Wow! I went from blog-stalker to being pictured in said blog. How exciting! It was great to catch up with Jon and equally great to meet Amanda. Andy and I felt blessed to be able to eat dinner with you guys!
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