Jude is now a Little Gym "Bug." We took our trial class today at The Little Gym of North Raleigh and enjoyed it very much. We joined a circle of other 4-10 month olds and stretched, sang, and banged sticks together. The class begins with some organized playing and ends with free play on the gym equipment. The most interesting thing about the class is the vast variety of skills. From the just now holding his head up 4-month old to the starting to walk 10-month old. We sat next to a "bug" who is a week older than Jude but who is not yet scooting at all and seldom lays on his belly. And we have our little guy who, dressed in camo today, did the army crawl all over the slick gym mat. They all develop so differently that I feel odd even comparing them. We started looking into these classes before we left Winston so that Jude would have interactions with others kids and get some additional brain stimulation. It's not until Jude starts talking and starts school that we'll know if the two foci on his MRI are of any consequence. The activities in the class are supposed to promote development, and though everything appears "normal," we figure they won't hurt.
Jude had a great time and was all tuckered out, falling asleep on the way home. We begin the spring semester on the 30th.
UPDATE: We have a break through! A tooth has emerged in Jude's bottom gum! His new nickname is Chester Toothsworth.
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