Sorry about the lack of posts here. I am primarily posting things on Facebook these days since Blogger can be kind of clunky. Things here have been very busy at times with Jon changing jobs and me in school. Other times, we have just been very lazy about posting because we're hanging out together, out and about, or just enjoying being a family in our own little Brasfield world. Here are some pics and video to catch you up.
One video is Jude playing the Rock Band Drums. We've been putting off buying the game because of how expensive it was at one time, but we snagged this one and all the instruments from Craigslist a few weeks ago and haven't looked back. We usually play a few rounds after dinner as a fam.
Another video is Jude reading the alphabet from a book. It's funny because he starts out singing it to the tune that Alpha Pig uses on "Super Why?" but gets a little ahead of himself and goes back to beginning.
There are some pics from around the house, and one of Jude and Tuomo Ruutu #15 on the Carolina Hurricanes. Ruutu is the first player Jude has met from his very favorite sports team. Most days, Jude spends at least part of the day pretending to be Eric Staal, who he will very readily tell you is #12 and the captain. He then assigns roles to whomever else is present--we're Cam Ward, Jeff Skinner, Tim Gleason, Coach Paul Marice, etc.

Jude also likes to pretend we're the Beatles. He's Paul McCartney, Jon is John Lennon, I am George Harrison, and Grandpa is Ringo. Jude's favorites on Beatles Rock Band are "Come Together" and "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."