Well, it snowed down here in Raleigh, our state's capital. As always, the city was utterly unprepared for the 5 inches we got plus sleet, and we were apartment bound all weekend. The state DOT has described the predicted road conditions tomorrow as a nightmare, so we will here tomorrow too. Jude has been under the weather, so he and I had been in most of the week. Feeling a major case of cabin fever, we all ventured out today to play in the snow and walk to the grocery store. C&A also braved the 2 mile stretch between our houses to come visit, eat junk food, and watch "Arrested Development."
If you look closely at the last picture you can see pug prints on the snow. There was a layer of ice on top of the snow, and the pugs weren't heavy enough to break through. They are not enjoying the snow and look forward to being able to smell where they pee again. Apparently it's something super important to dogs.