Jude had his one year evaluation a few weeks ago to take a look at his communication skills and fine and gross motor skills. After what Jude went through birth, we were anxious to find out what the experts saw in their evaluations. Jude was seen by a speech language pathologist and an occupational therapist who evaluated Jude using the Mullen Scale of Early Learning. The scale measures gross motor, visual reception, fine motor, expressive language, and receptive language. We were over-joyed to find out he is above his age in every category. His fine motor skills were particularly high, measuring at about the 20-month level. We are so blessed.
It was recommended that we discontinue Jude's developmental therapy and only see our case worker for the early childhood development team every other month. We decided not to exit the early-intervention services completely in case something comes up and we need services. Jude will be eligible to receive services until he is 3 years old because of his time in the NICU.
In other news, Jude is a walking/running machine. He loves trucks and dogs, and he wants to read books all day long! He loves "Llama Llama Red Pajama" (a gift from Nana K and Pappy), "Llama Llama Misses Momma," "In a People House," and the last page especially of "Brown Bear, Brown Bear."As you can see in the pictures he likes to play in the pans, and he likes to carry his toys around in my lunch box.